Happy New Year from our Hotel in Oriental, North Carolina!

A grand time was had by all at last night’s annual “Running of the Dragon.” Our mighty resident Chinese Dragon came out of her lair, as she does every year, to greet residents and visitors alike.
Accompanied by kazoos and the “Drummin’ Dragons” drum group, our intrepid dragon roars her way up and down the village streets while everyone follows along. Folks beat on pots and pans with wooden spoons to ward off any lurking evil spirits and they even occasionally jump underneath to help propel the mighty creature. To ensure good fortune in the coming year, it is imperative that you touch a dragon fang.
The annual dragon run is great good fun for young and old alike. There are two runs every New Year’s Eve – one at 8:00 so the younger kids can take part and one at 11:30. Plan to stay with us next New Year’s Eve and celebrate with us!